domingo, abril 04, 2010

20 million people felt Mexicali earthquake; big aftershocks are 'likely,' Caltech says | L.A. NOW | Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles Times, 4/04/2010.-

Caltech seismologists said Sunday's magnitude 7.2 Mexicali earthquake was the strongest to strike the region in nearly two decades and that an estimated 20 million people felt it across the Southwest U.S. and Mexico.

Caltech scientist Lucy Jones said an aftershock in the 6-magnitude range is 'reasonably likely' in the next few days, and the chance of quake larger than 7.2 magnitude is fairly unlikely but still possible.

'The fault is pretty long, approximately 50 miles,' Jones said. 'We are seeing aftershocks heading northwest.' Jones said the direction of the strike-slip fault runs northwest into California, about six miles beneath the earth's surface.

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