lunes, abril 07, 2008

Some Truth About Trade - New York Times editorial

Un interesante comentario del NYT acerca del debate sobre comercio exterior y puestos de trabajo, abierto por las campañas por la nominación demócrata. Propone a los candidatos apoyar a los trabajadores a mejor enfrentar la globalización y no a temer los efectos de ésta.

Fuente:: New York Times::06/04/2008

"There’s nothing like international trade to help bridge the nation’s ideological divide. As Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton travel the Rust Belt, the Democratic candidates seem to be eschewing the advice of their economic advisers and turning to Karl Rove’s playbook.

It was Mr. Rove who urged Dick Cheney in 2000 to forget the free trade spiel and promise voters in West Virginia that a Bush administration would protect American steel from cheap imports. “If our trading partners violate our trade laws, we will respond swiftly and firmly,” Mr. Cheney thundered.

Those words seem to echo in Mr. Obama’s attacks against “unfair” trade deals — including Nafta, Cafta and President Bill Clinton’s decision to establish regular trade relations with China. Mrs. Clinton seems to draw inspiration as well, railing to the Pennsylvania A.F.L.-C.I.O. against alleged dumping of Chinese steel: “When I’m President, China will be a trade partner not a trade master,” she said. "


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